📖 Enrico's Website 📖

Buying Instructions

- To purchase the Productivity Framework, click on its picture.

- To purchase the Merch Pack, follow these steps.

Merch Pack

Merchandise Pack containing different products

Price: 39,99€ - Delivery included

The pack includes Mr Duck, a 4-leaf clover, and the Study Family bookmark. These three objects are not sold separately, and they are all produced personally by me. To buy this product, check these instructions.

A little note: Mr Duck doesn't make any sound. Click on the picture above to see more.

Follow the Buying Instructions to get this Merch Pack.

Productivity Framework

framework for productivity

Price: 9,99€ - Delivered Online

How can you organize yourself to be super productive and successful as a student?
This framework is designed to answer that question and provide a clear solution. This is the method that I personally use, and it's now available for everyone who wants to use it and optimize their studies and work to achieve the greatest results possible.

Click on the picture, if you want to buy this product.